Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Amalivre Ebooks platform. If you don’t see the answer to your question, contact us at
How to keep up with our latest news?
We provide RSS feeds for you to keep up with our latest news. To discover and subscribe to our feeds, follow the link to the dedicated page on the right side of our website footer.
You can find three different feeds:
- a feed for your organisation's latest acquisitions available for you to read,
- a feed for new releases on Amalivre Ebooks,
- a set of feeds for new releases filtered by publisher.
To subscribe, click on the copy button on the right of the URL and paste the adress in your RSS feed reader.
Many readers provide more straightforward options to register a feed. Please see your feed reader's help page for more specific information.
Can I read all the ebooks available on the platform?
Though you can browse and search the whole catalog of ebooks available on the platform, you can only read the ones that have been purchased by the organization you are attached to.
Ebooks availability status is indicated by a padlock icon:
- a green unlocked padlock icon for ebooks you can read. Click on the “READ ONLINE” label to get to the e-reader page;
- a yellow padlock icon for ebooks that are not available yet, but that will be soon;
- a red padlock icon for ebooks you do not have access to.
How can I find the list of all the ebooks available to me?
You can find the list of all the ebooks available to you in the “My ebooks” section on the website header.
Please note that any search you do on the “My ebooks” page will be limited to the ebooks you purchased.
On the "Catalog" page, can I narrow the search results to the ebooks I can read?
Yes. Use the “My ebooks” toggle switch button displayed on the left side of the page.
Where do I find my invoices?
How can I get the MARC records?
What are the restrictions you place on ebooks?
How can I get in touch with you?
58 rue du Dessous-des-Berges
75013 Paris
Tél. : 33(0)1 43 07 43 43 (new telephone number)
You can also contact us by e-mail at the following address: